13 September 2009


I'm really worried about Naftali. He wasn't right when I saw him this afternoon. He'd sniff the water bowl and the food I put in front of him, but he wouldn't eat anything. These cats never refuse food. I had to shield Naftali's food from the other cats because they all wanted it.

He doesn't sound right, either. That's the first thing I noticed (though this video was the last I saw of him--of course as soon as I take out the camera and put in new batteries all he does is climb into my lap and shut up.):

shut up.): That is not Naftali's voice. I know his voice; I've known this cat since my first week here. I knew he wasn't healthy to begin with, but this is different. This is new.

What do I do? I wish I could take him to the vet, but I have neither the money nor the knowledge of the Israeli society to do so. Should I try to locate the law library and search for the librarian who told me Naftali's name? She was only substituting for her friend when I saw her.

I wish I could take Naftali home with me, but even if we were allowed to have cats in the apartment, my roommates aren't cat people. No way they'd let me sneak a cat into the apartment, even if maintenance wasn't doing monthly inspections.

What should I do? What can I do?


  1. I'd try tracking down the librarian and see what she says. Have you tried giving him water and/or broth like chicken or tuna broth?

    There may be nothing you can do. As for the talking, he may just be asking you to do something. Sometimes they talk when they're hungry, or just because they want to talk--it's not a pain thing.

  2. Was he drooling? It looked like it from the video. Could be something with his mouth. Please keep us posted!
